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Wellspring Days
Let The Guest be Welcome
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The Hearth
May you be sheltered!
About Us
Our Programmes
Wellspring Days
Let The Guest be Welcome
Shea Courses
The Hearth
May you be sheltered!
Born of a Story: An Answer
(672.4 KiB)
Born of the Light
(210.1 KiB)
Resignation, Critical Loyalty and Hope
(661.3 KiB)
Crossing the Threshold full of Hope
(274.9 KiB)
Rekindling our desire
(381.6 KiB)
The God who sees us
(522.2 KiB)
Healing has never grown out of hardness
(505.6 KiB)
»Only a breath separates us from the timeless«
(288.4 KiB)
But it shall not be so among you.
(469.0 KiB)
When the heart stretches
(263.6 KiB)
When the hearth does not go out
(998.7 KiB)
A grandmother's thoughts
(268.6 KiB)
Longing as a Guide
(471.7 KiB)
Martha's kitchen III
(359.9 KiB)
Martha's kitchen II
(468.3 KiB)
Martha's kitchen I
(359.2 KiB)
The rebellion of love
(132.6 KiB)
Light without and within
(293.2 KiB)
Lessons against Cold-heartedness
(566.3 KiB)
»Do not conceal yourself«
(199.1 KiB)
Heaven so close
(360.6 KiB)
Every great human gesture of love
(259.2 KiB)
»That Shalom does not remain an empty word«
(376.5 KiB)
To become what I am from God
(492.0 KiB)
No one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above
(465.7 KiB)
Can you hold life in your hand for forty days?
(583.3 KiB)
Thou shalt be a blessing
(222.8 KiB)
»You have to reckon with everything - even the good«
(701.4 KiB)
The Unfolding Story
(476.5 KiB)
»Fare thee well!«
(413.5 KiB)
Travelling light from now on
(170.1 KiB)
The Man with Eyes of Ice
(448.8 KiB)
The Failure of Imagination
(419.0 KiB)
»Come, we will find a treasure«
(757.9 KiB)
»Take the stories seriously!«
(415.2 KiB)
An unexpected Journey - never without Companions
(161.3 KiB)
Placed on the Heart
(540.9 KiB)
Remembrance keeps alive
(465.8 KiB)
Once upon a time...
(502.9 KiB)
». . . ennobled with the gift . . .« (II)
(335.9 KiB)
». . . ennobled with the gift . . .« (I)
(461.8 KiB)
»Siblings all«
(586.7 KiB)
»The Spirit helps us in our weakness.«
(341.1 KiB)
»When loneliness comes stalking«
(362.8 KiB)
»Like a piece of heaven on earth«
(345.0 KiB)
»We would not die in that man's company«
(725.9 KiB)
(314.7 KiB)
Like a colourful flower on dead earth
(163.2 KiB)
»Simon, Simon,. . . «
(461.5 KiB)
Mourning the Passing of a . . .
(665.4 KiB)
Living according to HIM
(179.5 KiB)
When seeing becomes seeing
(309.6 KiB)
»Yet I taught Ephraim to walk.«
(584.4 KiB)
May we be blessed!
(326.2 KiB)
»Between the Years«
(213.2 KiB)
In defence of Advent
(418.0 KiB)
How does the name of Mary shine within us?
(345.9 KiB)
Do you know Ruth?
(175.1 KiB)
The Sign of Jonah
(473.2 KiB)
»Saying no to let your YES be heard ...«
(294.1 KiB)
All beginnings are delicate
(240.9 KiB)
Into your love I immerse myself.
(269.4 KiB)
The day I met Abraham ...
(513.0 KiB)
The Cradle of time
(148.1 KiB)
Summer Thoughts
(321.8 KiB)
Reaping the Whirlwind
(299.3 KiB)
» Life circulates within us, that God gave us«
(334.2 KiB)
»Beauty will save the world«
(344.1 KiB)
The Problem with Staring at the Heavens
(229.0 KiB)
Meeting Point of the Heart
(192.9 KiB)
Living as a Witness
(275.2 KiB)
A Path Beyond the Insatiable Heart
(492.1 KiB)
For the love of life
(274.4 KiB)
»I arise today«
(345.6 KiB)
In Search of Elim!
(654.5 KiB)
»Tune the tones of our heart unto you…«
(237.3 KiB)
»My eyes have seen your salvation«
(181.2 KiB)
Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones
(450.0 KiB)
Going into a new year with you!
(197.0 KiB)
Human, become essential!
(344.3 KiB)
»The Great Question«
(427.0 KiB)
The Gift of Life
(262.9 KiB)
The Card
(264.5 KiB)
More than Autumn Whispers
(295.7 KiB)
Exploit fully that which is given and fashion it!
(515.7 KiB)
The Theater of the Word: The Hearth Fire
(364.6 KiB)
(170.1 KiB)
She stood at the window
(273.2 KiB)
Ponder. Do Good. Love.
(280.4 KiB)
Chattering speechlessness
(374.0 KiB)
A Story Without a Future
(339.0 KiB)
For My Friend
(946.9 KiB)
A Voice of Bygone Days
(365.9 KiB)
The Sons and Daughters of the Masquerade
(616.1 KiB)
Safely Carried
(157.3 KiB)
The Stone Door
(507.8 KiB)
We are set into a broad place.
(452.1 KiB)
Rich in Images
(178.2 KiB)
»Wondrous silence«
(458.5 KiB)
(559.1 KiB)
Twenty-three plus x
(182.4 KiB)
When Landscapes change
(567.6 KiB)
Adam and the Final Word
(549.4 KiB)
Guiding Star
(234.9 KiB)
»Fake Giants«
(632.9 KiB)
The Glacier Buttercup
(382.4 KiB)
You are my spark of hope
(148.7 KiB)
»The Well of Darkness«
(399.4 KiB)
The warmth of the heart
(368.9 KiB)
A Sense of Order
(197.9 KiB)
Awakening to Myself
(547.9 KiB)
The Smile of God
(265.3 KiB)
There Heaven and Earth Touch
(342.9 KiB)
Creative Togetherness
(302.6 KiB)
The Sign of the Knock
(294.8 KiB)
The Story Exchange
(337.5 KiB)
To be born . . .
(365.8 KiB)
Pride as the Motivation for Love?
(577.0 KiB)
A new time: To whom shall we turn?
(232.6 KiB)
The Exercise of Being On Call
(226.3 KiB)
»In the Time of Corona«
(62.6 KiB)
The Rooster and the Four-leafed Clover
(213.9 KiB)
The Art of Conversation
(527.0 KiB)
A Creation Account Against Exhaustion
(218.4 KiB)
Fasting from Superficiality
(217.5 KiB)
What a Mozart Concert can teach us
(432.1 KiB)
How do I find you
(285.8 KiB)
Singer of Yearning
(312.9 KiB)
Between Shepherds and Magi
(340.8 KiB)
Christmas Bread
(209.4 KiB)
»Awake, Lyre and Harp!«
(325.5 KiB)
Seeking a way home
(432.8 KiB)
»It is a miracle«
(227.9 KiB)
The painful path of redemption
(397.9 KiB)
The Prayer of a Painter
(302.4 KiB)
A Path to the Undiscovered Country
(318.7 KiB)
A Path to the Future
(318.7 KiB)
A Path back to the Past
(235.5 KiB)
A Path to the other side of the wilderness
(451.6 KiB)
Grace before Meals
(241.5 KiB)
The Task of being totally here
(375.6 KiB)
A Place in the Heart: Cnoc Suain
(417.5 KiB)
Of Seeking and Finding
(436.8 KiB)
To acknowledge and esteem one another
(375.2 KiB)
Two Gardeners
(410.7 KiB)
Do not leave the path!
(315.3 KiB)
Shelter me, O God
(294.0 KiB)
Honour Your Story
(287.2 KiB)
Lay open my face
(400.3 KiB)
Not without companions . . .
(375.1 KiB)
The Moment God smiled
(201.7 KiB)
When adventure comes knocking
(416.3 KiB)
Fullness of Life - Desired by God
(250.6 KiB)
We say to the darkness, We beg to differ
(402.6 KiB)
Daring Encounter
(522.7 KiB)
Accepting Invitations
(569.5 KiB)
Making Preparations
(970.8 KiB)
The Great Watch
(794.6 KiB)
And God saw that it is good
(279.9 KiB)
Saints - near and far
(378.8 KiB)
The Old
(227.9 KiB)
Opening Hands and Hearts to Wonder
(395.0 KiB)
Those who do not hide in the Crowd
(577.9 KiB)
Take the Stories Seriously IV
(373.8 KiB)
Why should we set out? Paths into life
(518.9 KiB)
Take the Stories Seriously III
(467.2 KiB)
Take the Stories Seriously II
(558.6 KiB)
Take the Stories Seriously I
(404.3 KiB)
»and Hannah smiles!«
(295.5 KiB)
Sharing the Center of Life
(461.6 KiB)
Tree of Life
(350.3 KiB)
Do not Forget!
(371.6 KiB)
On the way to the House of the Father II
(500.7 KiB)
On the way to the House of the Father I
(570.3 KiB)
A Sister from Persia
(299.0 KiB)
Earth's crammed with Heaven
(336.5 KiB)
Learning to live
(189.9 KiB)
Under the ashes a fire slumbers
(392.6 KiB)
To be hopeful
(333.5 KiB)
The Wells are everywhere
(451.7 KiB)
Protector of the Inexperienced
(318.2 KiB)
Foster Friendship with Emptiness
(378.9 KiB)
Interiority is lacking
(438.8 KiB)
What is REAL?
(379.7 KiB)
When do we reach for the Stones?
(302.9 KiB)
The Greater Grows Out of the Small
(312.2 KiB)
Getting to know the Word of God
(484.3 KiB)
The Gift of the Detour
(306.1 KiB)
When I sing this Canticle of Tears
(412.8 KiB)
Reverence for the Old
(301.5 KiB)
The Art of Gentle Reverence
(421.5 KiB)
At Home in Old Stories
(249.2 KiB)
The Death of a Storyteller
(361.6 KiB)
To imagine God’s dream for us in a new way
(494.0 KiB)
Not remaining orphaned
(439.3 KiB)
We carry perfume into the land of the dead.
(330.7 KiB)
The Blessing of Walking
(380.5 KiB)
»Let me sing for my beloved a love song« (Part II)
(465.8 KiB)
»Let me sing for my beloved a love song« (Part I)
(450.1 KiB)
From Transfiguration to Clarity
(375.3 KiB)
»I tell you these stories, so that we can have life«
(306.6 KiB)
I tell stories, because I believe
(398.0 KiB)
»He brought me out to a wide-open space«
(426.6 KiB)
May the Lord lift up his face to you
(288.8 KiB)
». . . to awaken in you a meadow of delight «
(343.9 KiB)
The Interiority that leads to the Land of Wonder
(436.0 KiB)
A laden ship is coming
(532.9 KiB)
»Hineni, hineni«
(417.2 KiB)
»In every person there is a spark that cannot be extinguished«
(376.4 KiB)
Raise up your voice and sing!
(328.2 KiB)
Perfection will kill you!
(352.8 KiB)
Open for the New
(245.7 KiB)
The Fairy Tale of the sad Sadness
(388.8 KiB)
How much is a promising future worth to us?
(446.2 KiB)
How do I speak of that which I have experienced? The Reporting
(445.9 KiB)
The actual task of the explorer
(545.5 KiB)
Go and see for yourselves.
(496.7 KiB)
Do you want to be an explorer of life?
(387.7 KiB)
Words born of Silence
(206.1 KiB)
Only what is put on the table will be transformed
(601.3 KiB)
Do I want to be your friend?
(380.4 KiB)
Wild Geese instead of Doves
(402.3 KiB)
Where shall we find hope?
(349.8 KiB)
Living with the Risen Lord in our Heart
(338.0 KiB)
A Hymn of Praise to the Knitters
(535.7 KiB)
Shadow and Blessing
(333.9 KiB)
. . . So that you might walk
(553.4 KiB)
I apologize
(291.3 KiB)
A Healthy Heart
(339.6 KiB)
The Gift of the Magi
(424.8 KiB)
When all are dreaming - of what do we dream?
(415.1 KiB)
When a Story falls into the Heart
(280.8 KiB)
Living with Tensions
(351.5 KiB)
Which Stories will we tell?
(414.5 KiB)
Roses for the Winter
(330.8 KiB)
How to open Doors and Hearts
(403.7 KiB)
It`s in my hands now.
(304.0 KiB)
»Because God gazed on her«
(470.4 KiB)
Drop the Masks
(424.2 KiB)
The Photo on my Bookshelf
(384.2 KiB)
Beautifully - heavy - In Praise of Gratitude
(423.3 KiB)
Nasrudin and the perfect Woman
(428.7 KiB)
To see deeper and be blessed
(430.9 KiB)
The Lesson of the Hearth
(554.9 KiB)
What the Emptiness tells us
(440.2 KiB)
To live yearning
(532.2 KiB)
An Unfinished Story
(438.9 KiB)
The Curse of the Rearview Mirror
(453.3 KiB)
The Challenge of the Plow
(427.2 KiB)
Power - Powerlessness
(394.5 KiB)
»Peace be within your walls«
(425.9 KiB)
»May they be secure who love you!«
(354.4 KiB)
»The Wish to be spared...«
(300.7 KiB)
Bowl or Canal?
(364.7 KiB)
A Prayer for a Storyteller
(248.1 KiB)
Stumbling blocks and Hummingbirds
(379.7 KiB)
»Look at your heart«
(197.0 KiB)
So that we might live through
(381.6 KiB)
»Come and see what God has done«
(226.7 KiB)
»The Day Scheherazade spoke Gaelic«
(537.7 KiB)
»Respond to the call of your gift«
(495.6 KiB)
The Yawning Emptiness (Part 3)
(572.8 KiB)
The Yawning Emptiness (Part 2)
(685.3 KiB)
The Yawning Emptiness (Part 1)
(605.0 KiB)
Thoughts of Spring
(560.3 KiB)
Drawing Words from the deep Wellsprings of the Heart
(353.7 KiB)
»The Blessing of the Father srengthens the Roots«
(282.4 KiB)
The Gift of the Poor Widow
(521.2 KiB)
»It is too little . . .«
(585.5 KiB)
Becoming Storytellers of Life
(422.6 KiB)
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